Jack Skellington Tutorial

A slice of Jack Skellington Head anyone ????

This is a 7" round 4" high 2 tone butter cake. I have used a 5" round board to place below the cake coz you'll need to craft the whole cake rounded. It's easier to craft the bottom cake rounded by placing an up side down bowl.

Don't forget a little turn table below the bowl :) Craft the top part of the cake first with a small craft knife or any small knife you have at home ...

...then the bottom. Turn the cake slowly and trimmed it to looked as round as a head with the craft knife :)

Make cake pop mixed from access crumb cakes.

Cover the whole cake with cake pop mixed to create the smooth effect.

Use your fingers ...with the gloves of course ..lol!! Pinch out the nose and the eyes using cake pop mixed.
Slowly Jack's face is showing ... place cake into the fridge for an hour or so to harden the cake pop mixed on the cake surface.
In freehand cut out 2 estimate sizes of circles for the eyes and a large crescent for the mouth with black fondant.
Don't forget to cut out parchment papers and place it on the top of the black fondant ..you'll find out why :)
Yup..It's my up side down made in Japan bowl...lol!!
Place the cake on the bowl...roll out while fondant and cover the whole cake.
Now the head is covered.. it looks nice and smooth :)))
Cut out the eyes with a small knife and make sure do not press too hard while you cut, just slightly on the surface of the parchment paper.
Peel out the white fondant after cutting
Peel out the parchment paper (to avoid the 2 tone fondant sticking together)
The same for the mouth
Peel out the white fondant
Jack's face is appearing...
Peel out the parchment paper from the mouth.
Make some indent on both upper and lower lips with a tool, if you don't have just use a tooth pick :)

Roll out some white fondant for the teeth

The teeth are up!
Roll out 2 tiny tear drop with the black fondant for Jakes's nose.
Here comes... Jack's Head!!!!
Use brown edible dust/petal dust with dry clean small brushes for shading of the mouth and the teeth...
... shade it along the lines you made earlier and around the teeth. Also just slightly around the eyes to create the deep indent look of Jack's skull.
Roll out some black fondant to make the bat's head and 6 strips to create the bat wings collar.